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Handling Errors in Concurrent Ruby


In the previous blog post on Ruby concurrency, we explored how to spawn many sub-threads with a concurrent-ruby gem. Let’s continue the topic and get to know the Future class much better: its life cycle, state methods, and strategies for error handling.

TL;DR: There is a great documentation page

States of the future

We can use the Concurrent::Future object to spawn an asynchronous execution of the code. The preferable way of doing it utilizes the Promise class and future factory method:

future = Concurrent::Promises.future { a_long_thing_to_do }

Upon creation, future starts in the pending state. When it finishes, it becomes resolved. This state has two sub-states to inform if the result was successful or not. Accordingly: fulfilled or rejected. By the way, you can even create an already-resolved future!


To fetch the result of the future, we can use the value method. This method blocks and waits for the future to be resolved. Before future resolves, value is nil, but then it becomes the result of the operation. In case of failure, value stays nil and we can use an additional method: reason to find out the error.  And speaking about errors…

Errors in the future

Exceptions raised inside futures are silent. They are not transmitted into the main thread unless explicitly specified. When an exception occurs, the future’s value remains nil. Which alone is not enough to distinguish between failure and an unresolved future. Therefore we need to inspect the internal state of the future using methods like rejected? or fulfilled?.

In production, it’s crucial to have better control and observability. So we can add a rescue inside future block execution to act when something wrong happens. Alternatively, you can force the future to raise an exception and transmit it into the main thread. This behavior is achieved with the value! method.

Last but not least, rescuing errors in async threads requires rethinking the desired behavior of the program in case of trouble. In some cases, it’s acceptable to let the process fail; in others, you may want to retry the operation. In most cases, we want to at least know if something goes wrong within a sub-thread. Let’s see it in action!

Example implementation of errors handling

We will use an example script from the previous blogpost - a service class that makes async requests to API and returns results. Code examples are also available in my GitHub repository

require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'concurrent'

class AsyncConcurrentService
  API_ENDPOINT = ''.freeze

    jokes =

    futures = do
      Concurrent::Promises.future { }

    jokes =

class ApiError < StandardError; end

class DataRequester
  def initialize(url)
    @url = url

  def call
    raise ApiError, 'ERROR' if rand > 0.8 # 80% chance of success

    response = make_request


  def make_request
    uri = URI(@url)
    response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
    response.body if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)

  def parse_response(response)
    # parsing response

To test program behavior in case of errors, we added raise ApiError, 'ERROR' if rand > 0.8. We assume that in 20% of cases, the sub-thread will raise an error. With the current implementation, the thread will silently fail and return nil as a value. So the good news is that the program still works and finishes without exceptions. Bad news: it works in 80% of cases.

Let’s update the service to ensure we fetch the desired number of jokes, no matter how many errors were returned by API.

require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'concurrent'

class AsyncConcurrentErrorsRescueService
  API_ENDPOINT = ''.freeze

    futures = { future_with_retry(3) }

    jokes =*futures).value


  def self.future_with_retry(attempts = 3)
    Concurrent::Promises.future do
    end.rescue(ApiError) do |_error|
      future_with_retry(attempts - 1).value if attempts > 1


# rest of the code the same

There are a few key changes:

  • future_with_retry is a method that wraps the execution of a future and retries up to 3 times in case of errors. There is a rescue block to capture any ApiError exceptions. Notice that it is placed after the future block to avoid spawning new sub-threads within the existing future. After 3 failed attempts, it returns nil.
  • is used to ensure all sub-threads finish before the main call function returns their results.

This approach makes future_with_retry method responsible for making API requests retries in case of errors. It could be improved for production usage by adding errors logging and introducing a delay between retries.


Concurrent-ruby’s Future class is a powerful tool for creating multi-threaded programs. Understanding its life cycle and helper methods is a good starting point before going to more complex topics such as chaining and using non-blocking methods. And let’s not forget about proper error handling!

This post was originally published on Visuality blog.