I’m Michał Łęcicki (aka Maikhel) - software engineer at Visuality. I believe self-improvement, responsibility and clean solutions are necessary to get things done: both in software and real life.
My programming journey started in 2012 with free "Introduction to Java 101" Coursera course. Excited by creating a program that can rotate an image, I got to more serious learning at university. I finished with Bachelor’s degree in IT in 2016, University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Warsaw.
In 2015, I started working in Weblify as a junior Ruby on Rails developer and in 2018 I moved to Visuality as a software engineer. Surrounded by experienced engineers, I learned and still improve best development practices, applying clean architecture and choosing right design patterns.
In 2024, I passed the Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer Examination Silver.
As a backend engineer, I’m usually responsible for preparing Ruby on Rails API applications (currently in JSON:API standard), building software prototypes or creating third party integrations (eg. with Pipedrive). Doing devops stuff on Heroku or AWS also happens to me.
Few technologies I met so far include Elasticsearch, Terraform, Beskar, Serverless, R, Golang, ASP.NET.
I'm also interested in software design topics such as Domain Driven Design
and Event Storming.
Recently, I'm taking a closer look at Rails Hotwire and AI solutions for
Rails apps.
In addition to blog posts, from time to time I make lightning talks and presentations:
Presentation delivered on first Miłośnicy Ruby Warsaw Meetup on 14.07.2022. Then presented also in Poznan and at online webinar. Example Big Picture Event Storming and Process Level Event Storming sessions. Description of key elements, most common problems and good practices for performing successful Event Storming workshops.
Presentation delivered on PLRUG (Polish Ruby User Group) meetup on 16.11.2023. Presented also in Poznań on PRUG meetup. An introduction into business archetypes patterns: instruction on how to implement universal concepts occurring in business and business software systems.
Presentation delivered for the second edition of the Ruby Warsaw Community Conference on 02.02.2024 in Warsaw. An introduction into business archetypes patterns with Party, PartyRelationship and Product archetypes explanation. A complex theory explained with various Rails examples and practical recipes.
Presentation delivered on Polish Ruby User Group Warsaw meetup on 21.03.2024 and on Ruby User Group Berlin meetup on 06.06.2024. And then on Ruby Unconf 2024 in Hamburg 🎉 Demonstration how to broadcast progress of background jobs to frontend. Presentation with lots of Chuck Norris jokes! Featured in Hotwire Weekly Newsletter 🎉
Primary field of my knowledge is psychology - I got psychology Master's Degree in 2015, University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Warsaw. Several psychology-related topics like stress management, cognitive psychology or productivity still fascinate me. I’m also devoted Getting Things Done method follower.
More or less I speak English and German.
In my free time I play board games, hunt for perfect photo scene, read some good book or just watch snooker. Oh, and I’m a big Star Wars fan.